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Date(s) - 07/09 - 10/09
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Palace of Congresses of Granada

Den 7-10 september 2016 bjuder ICDA (International Confederation of Dietetic Associations) in till en 17:e internationell kongress i Granada, Spanien. Temat för kongressen är ”Going to sustainable eating”, och runt 3000 dietister och nutritionister förväntas deltaga. Deadline för abstracts är den 1 december 2015.

”The congress in Spain will cover new challenges for dietitians and would like to make them aware that with their day-to-day work they can immensely contribute to bequeath a better world and a better planet to the future generations. A sustainable diet is the key to take care of our planet: while being respectful with the environment, it also enables us to support local farmers, fishermen, cattlemen and food producers from our most nearby geographical surroundings.”

Läs mer om kongressen inklusive program här.

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