“It aims, first and foremost, to prevent cancer”

Igår lanserades Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. Rapporten summerar EUs planer för mer ett förbättrat arbete gällande behandling och rehabilitering för alla de miljontals EU-medborgare som varje år drabbas av cancer. Men stor del av rapporten handlar även om betydelsen av prevention.

Kapitlet 3.4. rör insatser kring nutrition och kost. Där kan en bland annat läsa:

• “The Cancer Plan will then focus on measures to make healthy foods more available.”

• “Addressing obesity and diabetes starts in childhood.”

• “The Commission is planning to prepare an implementation report in 2022 on the Audiovisual Media Service Directive, including those on commercial communications on unhealthy food and drinks.”

• “To reduce inequalities, HealthyLifestyle4All will focus on involving people with low socioeconomic status and disadvantaged groups, such as people with disabilities or people with a minority racial or ethnic background, and ensuring gender-balanced participation”.

På rapportens sista sida sammanfattar Europeiska kommissionen rapporten med följande ord:

“It aims, first and foremost, to prevent cancer, and to ensure cancer patients, survivors, their families and carers can enjoy a high quality of life.”

Mer information och PDF-version av EU’s Beating Cancer Plan finns här.

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